May 15, 2023

प्रश्न 16* / Question 16*

आवरण और विक्षेप शक्ति

The Communication 

A I App was not asked the Question 16,

So I asked it another Question 16* :

What is : "Communication"?

Why it is important?

Answer : See, Communication is always of the secondary importance. The very  first is : The Objective. Why we try to communicate? Is it not because of quite another purpose, different one, that we could fullfil and achieve through, and by means of proper communication.

So, The objective or the target becomes far more important for us. 

If the Communication could happen, so far so good. When the Communication is not happenning, we try in different ways how to establish the same. If we could somehow succeed in, so that the objective may be attained.

Our entire approach is very deceptive. We think we can succeed if somehow a  proper communication is there. In this way, the communication itself becomes of prime importance. But if we can see who and what exactly is the eligible one to be communicated we at once remove all that is just not only unnecessary but may also be an obstacle in the way of our objective. For example, we create a superficial need and then the demand for it. We have to sell a new car, fridge or any device such as a smart watch or a 5G mobile. We have to walk on moon or establish a colony on Mars. Isn't this an example of the superficial need? Is it not far more urgent that we don't spoil the earth and manage to keep it clean and healthy? So it harms in two ways : first it hides the fact how we have made the earth inhospitable and quite unfit for living our life peacefully, happily, and then drives our attention to fancy objectives like how to build a colony on the Moon or Mars. In this way we think we could grow and enhance business. We are quite thrilled by this approach. There is at the same time wars and the advanced technologies about how we could easily decimate the enemy. Who exactly is this enemy? Could we try to identify who exactly is the enemy? And of / for who?

Our objective is only business, money, and not the Wealth. You know, Wealth is wellness, Health is healing. Where is business or money? Is not this business a blind tunnel with a dead end only? Do we ever pay attention to this reality of and in our collective life? Or we just set the fancy and imaginary, hypothetical aims and objectives to fool ourselves at the collective as well as the individual level? First, this has to be understood. Understanding is the consequence of attention. All our attention is distracted and we fritter away all our energy and happiness in trying to attain and hold on to the fancy, hypothetical, utopian objectives.

So Communication is never an issue to be discussed about. Neither, how we can develop communication-skill.

This hype of "communication-skill" has its roots in assumed success and the so called progress only. Wonderful aircraft or hugh-rise building may sure attract our attention. So what? Are we willing and ready to live peacefully with our brethren on this earth? But only the stupid thrill and the excitement reigns all our minds at the personal and the  collective level also. Could we so far  discover how to communicate with the hearts? Don't we first need this? What is our priority? A healthy mind can live in a healthy body only. Body has its own natural intelligence and can somehow keeps maintaining itself healthy. Look at the entire and whole nature. All the birds, trees, animals are far more wise, intelligent than us humans. For all they have a healthy mind. Unfortunately, or for what-so-ever reasons only humans have somehow lack a healthy mind in their animal-body. The only important and the urgent need is how we can see this simple fact. That is how we could connect to and communicate with our own real self / selves. This self is though a human being while the humanity as a whole is ourselves.

Conclusion --

Not only in the Vedantik parlance but also at the collective level it is urgent and important to see how these two forces, namely the "distracting" and the "hiding" powers rein and ruin too all us humans. 

The  Power that hides the reality :

आवरण शक्ति,


The Power that distracts our attention :

विक्षेप शक्ति 


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