July 30, 2024

92. A.I.?

Question  प्रश्न  92

How Far Artificial Intelligence Is To Be Trusted?

कृत्रिम ज्ञान कितना विश्वसनीय है? 

Answer उत्तर  :

Artificial Intelligence Is Not Out Of The Box Thinking. It works in The Field of The Known, However There is also Another Intelligence say Out of The Box or The Alternative Intelligence which transcends The Known and its credibility is far more than The A. I.  (Or The Artificial Intelligence).

Anything could be proved or verified based upon 

i) The Evidence Of Example, 

ii) The Evidence of Logic,


iii) The Evidence of Experience.

Patanjali describes the three as in the aphorism of Yoga :

प्रत्यक्षानुमानागमाः प्रमाणानि ।।

प्रत्यक्ष - Direct:

As is known through the senses / sense organs. 

अनुमान  Speculative: 

As is determined through Logic,


आगमाः  Inferential :

As is discovered by experiment.

The Artificial Intelligence is kind of the second category.

Alternative Intelligence is kind of the third category. 

Sometimes this is also called :

The Sixth Sense.


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