July 07, 2024

84 विचार, विश्वास और विवेक

Question  /  प्रश्न 84 :

What is Destiny, Thought (noun and verb), Belief (idea / concept) and the Discrimination?

And, What is the Fate / whatever that happens / the Event?

प्रश्न : नियति, विचार (संज्ञापद और कर्मपद तथा क्रियापद), विश्वास और विवेक क्या है?

और प्रारब्ध क्या है? 

Answer   /  उत्तर :

Scaler / अदिश and और Vector /  सदिश :

मात्रा Quantum, quantity

बल Force, और 

वेग Velocity.


A Scaler quantity (अदिश राशि) is the value of quantum (मात्रा)  and is independent of  direction, while vector / (सदिश राशि) has a direction. An example of this is :

Speed and velocity.

We can say that a car is moving with the speed of 60 km per hour, when there is no direction has been mentioned.

We can likewise say the speed of light or sound is a particular fixed quantity. 

But when we talk about its direction, the speed is considered in terms of velocity : northwards or eastwards, towards or from a direction.

It's implied that there is energy involved in this movement of an object.

The Force (बल) is the action exerted and applied onto the object.

This is the Physics of Matter, Mass and Energy.

This is verily the Physical Science.

The same principle could be helpful in  understanding the Physics of Mind too because Matter and Mind both of the two are the aspects of the Known while the knowing is the consciousness where-in this phenomenon takes place.

Basically the perception that is an event is a non-verbal aspect of phenomenon.

The verbal aspect of an event is only the description in the form of Thought as a noun and also as a verb.

A noun is independent of Time, a verb is essentially with reference to Time.

Thought is a perceptible event either as a noun or as a verb in assumed Time.

The Knowing though is independent of Thought and Time, it's with or without Thought.

Is there something / someone, a Knower that could said to exist and be apart and different from Thought and at the same  time other than and from Knowing?

Isn't this assumed Knower again only an unquestioned, Unexamined idea or a  concept only that too is Known in and because of consciousness where there is no division of object and subject exists.

Only from and out of the consciousness arises the experience / perception of an object and according to the multiplicity of perceived objects, a subject appears to have existence and is accepted as the self.

The phenomenon of emergence of many verbal thoughts depends on so many words, and a language how-so-ever primitive or a developed one. 

This phenomenal Thought, the memory, the information is knowledge.

The memory of the self and the multiple objects constitutes an imaginary, and so an assumed world of the self or oneself. 

Every individual has one's own such an objective world independent of all such so many worlds of all the so many other  individuals.

Once came into existence, the superficial idea of this self at once assumes as the core truth and the only Reality.

This self, the individual strung upon the memory assumes continuity of the world and oneself, though changing, it remaines fixed as well.

After the arrival of the verbal thoughts, this becomes a firm and strong ground for the belief - a set of so many thoughts and ideas all the time giving rise to what is called concepts.

Concepts then carve out a religion where it needs repeated affirmations always.

Accordingly a Faith gets divided into so many factions though looks as if it is one and whole a Single Reality.

The Single Reality though One, survives with the help of the middlemen who try to explain and interpret the Book that is again a compilation of words only.

This is how Thought, Belief and Faith rule over the minds of men.

Thought is the Energy, Belief is the Force and Faith is the Speed with or without a direction. With Direction, it is called a Religion.

An altogether different movement in the consciousness  / at the individual level of the man and at the collective level of the human Mind, however goes on in the abeyance where nothing happens.

No event, no happening, no conflict, nor thought, idea, no belief nor Faith, beyond Time. This may be called the Awareness or the Attention.

Attention and consciousness together are two aspects of Reality. Either of them isn't found in the absence of the other.

With the emergence of Discrimination / (विवेक) an altogether new understanding emerges out and in the light of this new revelation is the ending of all conflict. 

Summarily, in a nutshell this may be the Answer to the Question 84.


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