August 10, 2024

The Ignorance!

The Deep State.

Question / प्रश्न 98

What is the Mystery of Deep State?

क्या है गुह्य राज्य का रहस्य?


P O E T R Y.

Deep is the mystery,

Of the Deep State,

And far more deeper are,

Still deeper are its roots,

Spreading through,

All over and upon,

Within and across, 

The land and earth,

On the surface and,

In the skin and flesh,

In the blood and in, 

The heart and brain, 

The mind of the world,

Has become a victim, 

Of the spirit evil,

Call it the God, 

Or Call it the Devil.

No one is cared, 

No one is spared, 

No one is safe.

No one is secure.

The Divine and The Evil,

The God and The Devil, 

Fight within the heart,

Of all and everyone,

In the very mind, 

Soul and the brain,

In the desires, fears, 

In the spirit of the man.

So many groups, 

So many a Religions,

So many a Faiths, 

Hues and the versions.

Recognizing them all, 

Identifying them all,

Uprooting them all, 

Eradicating them all, 

Eliminating them all, 

Is indeed a great challenge, 

Before the humanity whole, 

No one other can ever help,

But search it deep within,

In your own very soul.

Maybe you could succeed, 

You would find the seed,

And maybe root it out, 

Maybe you can than shout,

Maybe you give a clarion call, 

From the rooftops aloud!

It's not for the ambitious, 

It's not for the missionaries,

Never for the ideologies,

Nor for the political parties.

It's only for the individual,

To seek within the man, 

Where is rooted the Devil, 

Where is hidden the Divine.

Who else then yourself,

Is indeed  there to help, 

Find out, discover within,

That's only in the very self.

And, as you might have heard,

Just as very saint has a past,

And every sinner has a future,

Still there is a Wise Rare,

Who is worried over never,

Who is beyond the past, 

Who is beyond the future. 

Who knows perfectly well,

There is neither Heaven nor hell, 

The waters in a pond or a lake,

The waters in the ocean or a river,

Is intrinsically but pure water,

Looks though, dirty and unclear,

So is the spirit of the God, 

Of The Divine or The Human, 

Is ever so pure and clean,

Ever so radiant, shining, clear.

The impurities there any, 

Are there of body and mind, 

The Self is ever so pure, 

Always chaste, pure and divine.

No dirt or dust cloud touch it, 

No impurities can make it dirty, 

No ignorance can ever spoil it,

Such is the spirit of humanity!


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