August 27, 2024


Question  /  प्रश्न 104

Has WWIII started? 

क्या महाभारत (कलियुग के अन्त का ) प्रारम्भ हो चुका है?


So Many astrologers believe / suggest that WWIII has already started.

I was watching such a channel, where it was claimed that in the year 2019, with the arrival of the Corona, the end of the  कलियुग / kaliyug  has started.

Just as at the end of the :

द्वापर-युग  / dwApara-yuga,

the War of  :

महाभारत  / MahAbhArata  took place, exactly so at the end of the :

कलियुग / kali-yuga,

There is going to be a War like the :

महाभारत / MahAbhArata,

which in proportion was nowhere lesser in mass destruction. than the possible   WWIII. that they believe.

Again, What I could understand in this text of the :

महाभारत / MahAbhArata,

Or maybe somewhere in some other text, this has been narrated in a story of the rise of a tribe which will destroy the clan / race of the :

 यदु  / Yadu  /  यादवyAdavas.

I can 

The Gita, in the chapter 10  points out this fact in the verse 37 :

वृष्णीनां वासुदेवोऽस्मि पाण्डवानां धनञ्जय।।

मुनीनामप्यहं व्यासः कवीनामुशना कविः।।३७।।

At the same time, the story narrates that once a few boys belonging to the same race / clan, अहीर / आभीर / यादव,  in their childish way, grazing their cows, tried to make fun of a safe who was famous for forecasting the future. The boys took a pestle hid it under a woman's cloths and one boy posing like a pregnant woman, went to the sage. They told the sage that this woman is pregnant, please tell us if she will give birth to a male child or a female one. 

One of the boys took a pestle, wrapped the pestle, around it in a woman's dress and in the guise of a woman went with the other boys to the sage. 

The sage though angry didn't show his anger but told them :

"She is going to deliver a pestle. And the whole clan of the Yadu / yAdavas will be killed by that pestle."

In the Sanskrit a pestle is called

मूसल / mUsal .

As soon as the sage answered to them, in this way, all they laughing away, left the place and threw the pestle in the sea, so that it couldn't kill and destroy them and their clan / race. In the  ऋग्वेदRgveda, we can refer to a सूक्तम्  / sUktaM in the ऋग्वेद / Rgveda, which points out where from the Arabic people might have come into existence.

If this be true, we can also conclude and relate to this to see how the Islam came from the Arabia / desert as is described in the above सूक्तम्  / sUktaM.

I've given this sUkta somewhere in my post in a blog, where it's said they are either from the ocean or from the पुरीष .

Please refer to my posts dated -

2nd May 2017,

25th July 2019,


07th September 2019 in my blog : )

Where under a label "Arab" I have tried to find out what, how and if this reference of 

ऋग्वेद मण्डल १, १६३  / 

Rgveda MaNDala 1, 163 

यदक्रन्दः प्रथमं जायमान उद्यन्समुद्रादुत वा पुरीषात्।

श्येनस्य पक्षा हरिणस्य बाहू उपस्तुत्यं महा जातं ते अर्वण्।।१।।

यमेन दत्तं त्रित एनमायुनगिन्द्र एणं प्रथमो अध्यतिष्ठत।

गन्धर्वो अस्य रशनामगृभ्णात्सूरादश्वं वसवो निरतिष्ट।।२।।

असि यमो अस्यादित्यो अर्वन्नसि त्रित गुह्येन व्रतेन। 

असि सोमन् समया विपृक्त आहुस्ते त्रीणि बन्धनानि।।३।।

त्रीणि त आहुर्दिवि बन्धनानि त्रीण्यप्सु त्रीण्यन्तः समुद्रे।

उतेव मे वरुणश्छन्त्स्यर्वन्यत्रा त आहुः परमं जनित्रम्।।४।।

The above narration is a clear, concize and complete description of the history how the three (Abrahmic) Religions would come into existence.

The reference to Somalia, Yemen, Arab and Africa - respectively :

सोम, यम, अर्वन्  and अव-ऋचा

Is evident in the above text of  :

ऋग्वेद  / Rgveda. 

This may help us in understanding the History in a right perspective.

The word पुरीष  / purISha is again there in the : 

पुरुष सूक्तम्   or at some other place.

There are two different meanings of this word.

One another important comparison that comes to mind is of that of the Moon and the Yadu. yAdava, Yadu, Indu and the Moon are synonymous.

I've often pointed out that the name of India has its origin in Indu. It's not just a coincidence that in the :

தமிழ் / Tamizh, they use the word :

இன்தீ  to refer to the word :

Hindi  /  हिन्दी.

I also believe that Indonesia too has to do historically with this word.

I'll go no any further and leave it to the readers of this post to read between the lines and conclude accordingly.

Meanwhile, there is also something like Gazwa e hind.

I have nothing to say of and about this.

But as the War is imminent all over the world, I can feel it's going to be WWIII.

I claim nothing.

I can't say what the future holds and  comes out to be true.

In my approach to this we can certainly discover many a hidden clues. 



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