November 01, 2023

यथा मतिः तथा गतिः

प्रश्न Question 44

What is the Intelligence,

What is the Intellect,

What is the Talent,

What is the Intuition,

And finally, What is the Insight? 


What is the Renunciation,

And lastly,

What is the Determination ?

प्रज्ञा क्या है, बुद्धि क्या है, प्रतिभा क्या है, अन्तर्ज्ञान क्या है और अन्तर्दृष्टि / विवेक क्या है?

और संन्यास क्या है, तथा संकल्प क्या है? 

उत्तर / Answer :

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के अनुसार प्रत्येक प्राणी देहधारी में प्रकृति के तीन गुणों सत्, रजस् और तमस् के विशिष्ट  संयोग के अनुसार जन्मजात श्रद्धा अवश्य ही होती है और इस पुरुष (देहधारी चेतन प्राणी) में विद्यमान यही श्रद्धा बुद्धि में प्रकाशित होकर उसकी बुद्धि को प्रभावित करती है। 

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता अध्याय १७

त्रिविधा भवति श्रद्धा देहिनां सा स्वभावजा।।

सात्त्विकी राजसी चैव तामसी तां चेति शृणु।।१।।

सत्त्वानुरूपा सर्वस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत।।

श्रद्धामयोऽयं पुरुषः यो यच्छ्रद्धः स एव सः।।२।।

(स्वरचितं श्लोकत्रयम् --

श्रद्धानुरूपाणि साधनानि तथा मतिः तथा बुद्धिः।।

एवमेव हि ज्ञातव्यं गुणेषु गुणाः वर्तन्ते।।१।।

सिद्धिः साधनानुरूपा हि यथा मतिः तथा गतिः।। 

यथा बुद्धिस्तथा बद्धिः यथा कर्म तथा फलम्।।२।।

संन्यासः च त्यागः स्यात् सर्वसंकल्प संन्यासी।।

निष्काम कर्म कर्तव्यमिति च स्यात्तन्निश्चयः।।३।। ... )

Success according to the means, Consequence, according to thought, Intellect follows the knowledge / memory acquired and accordingly the result of the action.

However, as pointed out in the above 5 verses, the intellect has the faith that is its foundation. In the above five verses the word श्रद्धा is the appropriate sense of 'faith'.  The word 'faith' is from the Arabic 'fidA' or the Latin word 'fidelity' implies natural and spontaneous belief. This belief is inherent as in the natural tendencies acquired from the birth of one's own. This is the very natural and functional characteristic of every one, of every individual consciousness.

Accordingly even an uneducated or a learned man too follows this faith or this natural inborn instinct without any doubt or questioning its truth.

For example a scientist has no doubt or suspicion that the existence is governed by certain Laws that are firmly in the foundation and takes them as the only truth and ever-abiding Reality. Though later on he or she formulates the same in certain words which then become a concept.

The mere Intellectual believes that the concepts are the Final, Ultimate Reality.

What could be said about those average ordinary uneducated layman who are driven by only the verbal beliefs which they might be practicing only because of the tradition and social conditioning?

There is yet another  the X Factor, The Unknown.

In human perception it is what is said The Time and The Space.

The Indian Astrology that is based upon Astronomy treats this Reality aspect of Time and Space figuratively as the node and the anti-node of Time and Space or the Dragon's head and tail or the rahu and ketu respectively. 

This is how though one single unit, the two are the head and the trunk of the Dragon.

Common sense also tells that these two are but aspects of one whole Reality.

The two exists together always every where and at all times. The place had a time associated with it and all time is somewhere whuch we call a place.

As the two pervade each other, and all, every individual too is in their domain.

That is how individual life of a person is subject to the influence of the two,  - either as the two heavenly points in the Zodiac or in the form of the tamoguNa / तमोगुण  and the rajoguNa / रजोगुण .

Accordingly everyone behaves under the influence of these two heavenly bodies which are kind of the static and the dynamic aspects of the body-mind-complex or the person. Inherently one but the head keeps thinking only while the trunk can move on only without a direction whatsoever.

Still the combined effect results in the talent and intuition of the individual.

Though occasionally sometimes arises in the form of the insight as well.

That is the basis of success and failure. 

सिद्धि / सफलता साधनों के अनुसार होती है, परिणाम वैचारिक / बौद्धिक सिद्धान्त के अनुरूप होता है, बुद्धि जानकारी (सूचना / Information) तक ही सीमित होती है ओर उस सीमा के भीतर ही बद्ध / बंधी हुई कार्य करती है। जबकि फल सदैव कर्म के अनुरूप होता है।

तीन प्रकार के तीन गुणों से युक्त श्रद्धा / प्रकृति ही वह सीमा है जिसमें मनुष्य की बुद्धि बद्ध होती है और सूक्ष्म दृष्टि से देखने पर ही उसे यह स्पष्ट हो सकता है।


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