January 17, 2022

अश्वत्थः / अश्विनौ

The Solstice and The Equinox.


( नासदीयसूक्तम् पढ़ते हुए कल अचानक मेरे एक पुराने पोस्ट पर दृष्टि पड़ी तो मैंने एक नवीनतम पोस्ट उस ब्लॉग  :



Roger Penrose, 

शीर्षक से लिखा। 

प्रस्तुत संलग्न कविता का सन्दर्भ मेरी वही पोस्ट है।

इसी ब्लॉग में अश्वत्थः और अश्विनौ के सम्बन्ध में :

"Silent Dialogues"

की शृंखला में नासदीय सूक्तम्

का उल्लेख है। ) 




Now, after a while in retrospect,

Having completed a long walk,

Every step looks like a milestone,

Every single moment a pilgrimage,

That I embarked upon in the decade.

The turns and twists were all the help, 

That I was endowed with in my journey, 

During which, I was never exasperated.

I just wonder, exactly Who took up this,

The way that passed through the woods, 

Dark, with no future, nor a goal any, 

Still I walked on blindfold in my vein. 

Now I see Who exactly saved me from, 

The imminent dangers and pitfalls, 

That were there on my path, to help me.

This was how I found out the fountain, 

That finally quenched my thirst timeless. 

The ashvattha that kept looking upon me,

The ashwinau that stood a guard to me.

All those steps now look like the milestones.

That served and saved me all the time.


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