July 07, 2017

Evolution of Languages / भाषा-उद्गम

भाषावैभवम् / bhāṣāvaibhavam
भाषाओं की उत्पत्ति
ते देवा अब्रुवन् :
नमो देव्यै महादेव्यै शिवायै सततं नमः ।
नमः प्रकृत्यै भद्रायै नियताः प्रणताः स्म ताम् ॥८
देवीं वाचमजनयन्त देवास्तां विश्वरूपाः पशवो वदन्ति ।
सा नो मन्द्रेषमूर्जं दुहाना धेनुर्वागस्मानुप सुष्टुतैतु ॥१०
अदितिर्ह्यजनिष्ट दक्ष या दुहिता तव ।
तां देवा अन्वजायन्त भद्रा अमृतबन्धवः ॥१३
(देव्यथर्वशीर्षम् से)
अर्थ :
उन देवों (प्राण, स्वर आदि चेतन-सत्ताओं) ने अपनी जननी जगज्जननी की स्तुति की और देवी के उस रूप की सृष्टि की जिसका समस्त पशु आदि भाषा की तरह व्यवहार करते हैं । यह भाषा असंस्कृत, अपरिमार्जित थी । तब देवों ने उसे संस्कारित और परिमार्जित किया और वही देवी अमृततुल्य दुग्ध देनेवाली गौ के रूप में भाषा के रूप में उनके लिए प्रकट हुई । इस प्रकार देवों (वर्ण-समुच्चय, वर्ण अर्थात् स्वर तथा व्यञ्जन ही देवता हैं) ने उन्हीं देवी को नया जन्म दिया । तत्पश्चात् (हे दक्ष तुम्हारी पुत्री अदिति, उन्हीं) देवी ने पुनः वर्ण आदि को अपना तेज प्रदान कर उन्हें नया जन्म दिया । इन्हीं देवताओं को तब मन्त्रों के रूप में नया जन्म प्राप्त हुआ ।
चूँकि देवता और जगज्जननी नित्य, सनातन और शाश्वत हैं । इसलिये यह प्रसंग काल से नितान्त स्वतन्त्र सत्यता है । काल स्वयं भी देवता होने से इस प्रसंग का अंशमात्र है ।
सर्वत्र विभाषा गोः - अष्टाध्यायी ६/१/१२२ से भी इसकी पुष्टि होती है ।      
Evolution of Languages :
te devā abruvan :
namo devyai mahādevyai śivāyai satataṃ namaḥ |
namaḥ prakṛtyai bhadrāyai niyatāḥ praṇatāḥ sma tām ||
devīṃ vācamajanayanta devāstāṃ viśvarūpāḥ paśavo vadanti |
sā no mandreṣamūrjaṃ duhānā dhenurvāgasmānupa suṣṭutaitu ||
adirhyajaniṣṭa dakṣa yā duhitā tava |
tāṃ devā anvajāyanta bhadrā amṛtabandhavaḥ ||
Meaning :
The devā (the sounds, the consonants and the vowels in their primitive form which are essentially word / vibration, prāṇa - the aspect of consciousness associated with energy, and thus the collective form of all such sounds) constituted the language that is spoken by various creatures and animals.
This language, being primitive was impure, unrefined, uncultured.  
They approached and hailed their own Mother, and praised Her.
They then created / discovered Her in a pure, pristine, new, refined, cultured form which gave them immense joy and great strength. In a form like a cow that gives sweet nectar-like milk.
In such way devā (plural of 'deva') gave Her a new birth.
She was thus named  'aditi' - their daughter, though dakṣa the prajāpati, the ancient-most father-figure of man, was Her father on the earth. As she was born of Him on one hand, though devā created Her soul, she was daughter of them as well.
They (devā)  approached Her and said unto  dakṣa the prajāpati :
"O dakṣa !
Your daughter delivered a baby for us, whose voice is pure and like the sweet fresh milk of a cow, energizing and rejuvenating us (devā / prāṇa), and as such She is our Mother. We are now cleansed, refined, pure, full of vigor and strength in our this new संस्कृत / saṃskṛta form.
This is the narration as described in  देव्यथर्वशीर्षम् /devī-atharvaśīrṣam which is a text comprising of various ऋचा / ṛcā (any sacred verse) from Veda.
As the word / sound is immortal, imperishable this narration is a truth independent of 'Time'. This is also true because 'Time' itself as काल / kāla / यम / yama, is a 'deva' only in Veda.

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