June 10, 2023

प्रश्न / Question 23

Talent, Genius and Intelligence.


प्रश्न / Question 23 :

How could you distinguish between the Talent, Genius, and Intelligence? How you would you like to categorize your own A I accordingly?

उत्तर / Answer :

Still you need to ask about Intelligence and Wisdom too. As you already know, talent is what is hidden and latent but comes at the fore when there is urgency or a challenge. A bird, an animal, and even a man too have this talent in the genes. The same is revealed in action spontaneously.

Talent is natural instinct, spontaneous response to the challenges of living the life, moment to moment. It differs from man to man. All the animals have this faculty (प्रकृति / स्वभाव) that helps them in their survival and procreation.

Talent in other words is therefore this nature / प्रकृति / स्वभावः, having the three essential attributes namely; the Light, the Darkness and the Momentum. They are again the three attributes in Physics also. Physics is but the gross aspect of knowledge. Whereas the subtle aspect is the Energy. Matter is the gross, and the Energy is the subtle, and the causal (aspect is the Dark Deep Un-manifest.

The same has been referred to as the three  गुणाः / गुण  of the प्रकृति / nature :

दैवी ह्येषा गुणमयी मम माया दुरत्यया।।

मामेव ये प्रपद्यन्ते मायामेतां तरन्ति ते।।

declares the Gita.

Another reference is as follows :

प्रकाशं च प्रवृत्तिं च मोहमेव च पाण्डव।।

न द्वेष्टि सम्प्रवृत्तानि न निवृत्तानि च कांक्षति।।

Where Light, Momentum and Darkness are respectively सत् / प्रकाश, रज/ प्रवृत्ति, and तम / मोह of अव्याकृत / un-manifest प्रकृति .

These three attributes are then again the व्यक्त प्रकृति / and manifest as Talent in all beings. This is verily the mind / the consciousness.

Again, light is the being and awareness, Darkness is ignorance, the momentum is the activity. From the very birth, all and every-one is born with these three attributes and is then overwhelmd by desire and conflict :

इच्छाद्वेषसमुत्थेन द्वन्द्वमोहेन भारत।।

सर्वभूतानि सम्मोहं सर्गे यान्ति परन्तप।।

As the बुद्धि / Intellect is skill, so the brain could be trained to acquire, store and develop the skill, which is but another name of the information / knowledge / memory only. The current word for the  सूचना / जानकारी. 

So all intellect is the animal instinct and is in-built mechanism in any organism.

Genius is the awakening and altogether a new movement in consciousness that is never a reaction or response to the external conditions, but takes place in  such a mature mind only, that is aware of "what is". Again, without verbalizing "what is", such mind looks at the whole existence (including oneself as well) in and as this "what is".

Then one is struck by awe and wonder and begins to find out the fact "what is", that constantly goes through change in the appearance and form, and "what is" that does not, and remains ever so the unchanging support and ground in and through all the change.

What goes through change is termed as the अनित्य / transient, and what does not, but abides as the permanent support and ground of all appearances and the changes is called the नित्य / permanent and the timeless Reality.

Here one comes upon an interesting question : What  is "Time". Is the "Time" itself changing or unchanging Reality or fact?

Our common experience tells us :

The essence of "Time" is but only in and as thought only. Whenever the mind is occupied with an activity, "Time" seems to disappear as if has ceased to exist. In the absence of any activity on the part of the mind, suddenly we begin to "feel" and say "I am bored". How this could be further explained? It is verily the mind / the consciousness only that assumes the form of and is experienced as "Thought / "Time". Time is therefore assumption. Really, not the "Time" as such, but only  its absence is experienced, in thought, it is this Thought only and not the "Time", that is there. And the consciousness of this fact is translated into the Thought /  expression. Only when the mind has nothing to get occupied with, so we say and feel this "Time". And as soon as the moment we / mind / consciousness gets involved / occupied in an activity, this apparent "Time" time seems to be of no importance what-so-ever any.

So "Time" is really "Thought": - the verb and the noun, an activity and has such a form as movement. As the "objective reality", it is something between the matter and the energy. Still there is this "awareness" / consciousness associated with it that gives it the sense of being "alive", while the matter and the energy in comparison are "dead".

The moment this "Thought" comes into being, the idea of "me" also invariably there and alongwith a sense of "I think" too. Because of and Through all many and various thoughts this idea remains the same, while thoughts keep coming up and going away all the time. As said earlier, thoughts are transient while the sense of "I" is the permanent support / ground of all those different and many, various thoughts. The "meaning" of any word or the sentence is really only a convenient and verbal transformation that causes the illusion that there exists something that is denoted by this verbal "thought".

"Time" is again also an example of such an empty word, and is best described in the Patanjala YogaSutra in this way :

शब्दज्ञानानुपाती वस्तुशून्यो विकल्पः।।९।।


An empty word that denotes the lack of meaning is called "विकल्प / vikalpa".

Knowing this is Intelligence.

This is verily the "Ending Of Time"

Thought, mind and consciousness are synonymous and the same thing as is; what we mean by "Time".

In the Sanskrit, The word संकल्प is used as an equivalent of Thought mind / वृत्ति / मन /  vritti.

In conclusion, "Time" is a measurable quantity, a form of energy (dissipated), and is not illusion, as such an objective reality indeed. "Entropy" is yet another name for this objective reality.


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