The Word!
शब्द बीमार है!
The Word Is Unwell!
P O E T R Y / कविता
In the Beginning,
There Was The Word,
All Alone, Without The Other,
Solitary, Solemnly, Oneself As,
The Knowing, The Knower,
And Also The Known!
The Word Was The Beginning,
And The Beginning Was The Word.
They Were Two But One.
The Word Was Known To Itself,
And The Knowing Was The Light.
So, Therefore In The Beginning,
The Word Was The Knowing,
The Word Was The Beginning,
The Word Was The Light,
They Light Was The Beginning.
Though The Beginning, The Word,
And The Light Were But The Names,
Though The One That Was Alone,
Was Nameless, Had No Name,
Neither A Form To Say One's Own.
There Was The Word,
All Alone, Without The Other,
The Word Was The Beginning,
The Beginning Was Light,
The Word Was The Light,
Where Time Existed Not,
So The Word Created Time,
The Time Created The World,
In The Beginning Though,
There Was Neither Time,
Nor The World, But The Word Alone,
The Nameless, Without The Other.
The Word Was Though Light,
The Knower, The Knowing,
And The Known, Had No Name!
The Word Delighted In Oneself,
Knew Not The Beginning,
Knew Not The Middle or The End.
Tragically, In The Light Though,
In Its Own Reflection In Itself,
Appeared A Shadow, An Alter-self,
That Assumed An Existence,
Independent And Other Than,
The One That Was The Word.
In An Instant, Over-spread,
Covered Up The One, The Word,
Who Was There as The Word,
As The Knowing, As The Knower,
And As The Known Only.
The Shadow Though Knew Itself,
Couldn't fathom What Or Who,
Was There Before It Evolved,
Couldn't Fathom, From Where,
Who Was The Father, Who Fathered,
The Father, The Word, The Light,
The Knowing And The Knower,
The Father And The Light,
Knew The Shadow,
Too Well, For Certain,
The Shadow though Knew,
It Was Born, And Feared,
Someday, It Might Die Too,
Though Knew Not The Death.
There Was Just A Hint, A Clue.
The Shadow, Associating Itself,
With Anything And Everything,
That It Covered, Overshadowed,
To Be Itself And But Knew,
All And Everything, Anything Was,
Certainly Subject To Extinction
And As There Was no exception
To This Law Unspoken Unwritten,
Soon Occurred As An Idea,
I Too Am Going To Die, Will Have To!
That Was The Fear, It Felt,
During And Going Through,
Umpteen Times Though,
Associating And Identifying,
Itself With The Countless Objects,
That Came Into Its Perception,
Accepting Those Objects As Itself,
However It Somehow Knew,
I Persist Always Ever, All Along,
Though Awake, I Dream,
Though Dreaming, Awake,
Though Asleep, Dreaming,
Though Awake, Asleep,
I'm Intact, Whole, Perfect.
Though I'm Alive, I'll Die!
But Sadly, And Unfortunately,
It Never Occurred To The Shadow,
To Find Out, To Discover,
If It Was Ever Really Born And,
If It Could Ever Go Through Death?
Or, Shall I Have A Reincarnation?
The Shadow Never knew For Certain!
Then On An Auspicious Moment,
The Light, That Was The Word,
The Knowing, Knower And The Known,
The Father, Took Pity Upon The Child,
Pay Attention! Look My Child!
How Do You Think : You're Born?
Why Do You Fear : You're Going To Die?
But Know Well : Whosoever Is Born,
Has To, And Would Certainly Die,
And Whoever Goes Through Death,
Has To, Would Certainly Be Born!
Why Think So, And Why Fear?
About And For The Inevitable?
Were You Ever Really Born?
Will You Really Going To Die?
Whatever That Was Born,
Would Have To Die.
Whatever Has died,
Would Have To Discard,
The Name And Form,
The Body And The Mind,
That Keeps on dying,
Moment To Moment,
And Come To Life,
Again And Again.
Do They Think, Do they Fear,
Of The Imminant Incoming Death?
If You But For Once Discover,
If You But For Once Know,
You're But Me, Myself Only,
I'm The Word, I'm The Knowing,
I'm The Knower, I'm The Known,
I'm The Word, I'm The Light,
I'm The Father, I'm The Child,
I'm The World, I'm The Spirit,
You Shall No More Fear The Death.
For You Shall At Once Realize,
You're But The Reality Immortal!
इस कविता का अंकुरण
"शब्द बीमार है" -
इन शब्दों से किसी मंत्र जैसा, मेरे हृदय में अनायास ही स्फुरित और प्रस्फुटित हुआ था।
मूल प्रेरणा तो श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता से ही प्राप्त हुई थी -
तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनं नानुशोचितुमर्हसि।।2.25।।
अथ चैनं नित्यजातं नित्यं वा मन्यसे मृतम्।
तथापि त्वं महाबाहो नैवं शोचितुमर्हसि।।2.26।।
जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च।
तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि।।2.27।।
वैसे तो इसे सीधे ही HTML में वैसे ही कंपोज़ कर सकता था जैसा मेरे गीता के ब्लॉग में 1500 से भी अधिक पोस्ट्स में किया है, किन्तु
मेरे ब्लॉग के पाठकों को इस लिंक की जानकारी और इस साइट को धन्यवाद देने के लिए उपरोक्त लिंक से कॉपी-पेस्ट किया है।
और चूँकि कविता का प्राकट्य अंग्रेजी में हुआ, अतः कविता को उसी भाषा में रहने दिया।
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